Friday, February 10, 2012

First Birthday Prep

I know it's more than 2 weeks away, but within the next 4 hours I will be caring for a post surgical dog on top of my normal load, soooo.... I must get ahead! 

As always, thanks to the ideas from Pinterest!

This idea courtesy of this pin.  It was SO easy and took less than 15 minutes.  I took different colors of crepe paper and stapled it to a cutout ring of paper plate.  I cut a slit through so I could get it around the chandelier, and taped it on.  I then cut the paper to different lenghts and gave the ends an angled cut.

Who doesn't love pennant banners in festive colors?  This one was for the fireplace and it turned out to be SO easy.  I took a piece of cardboard and traced my triangle onto scrapbook papers and cut them out.  Then I took some single fold bias tape and literally stapled the triangles to the tape!  Of course, I had to take a red Sharpie and color over the staples.

I am keeping the invites SUPER simple.  I found some cute envelopes (baby shower invite package, actully) on clearance at Hobby Lobby and a cute rubber stamp with a plane.  It says something about a Boarding Pass which I thought was cute, given the invite.

I found this fake airline ticket generator online and filled in the blanks, printed it on cream cardstock, rounded the edges, circled the date, time and location and stamped a "First Class" stamp on the bottom right.  So simple!  My original idea was to create little boarding pass envelopes like they have at the airport but this turned out to be all that I had time and patience for.

More pictures later!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Kitchen Command Center

I've been looking at Kitchen Command Centers on Pinterest and they are SLAYING me!  Way too cute!  I'm terrible with paper, and I know it's not something I'll update often.  BUT... saying that, it's nice to have something pretty to hang my weekly menu from, and to leave notes for the occasional babysitter or dogsitter. 

The fabric I used is leftover from no-sew valances that I made using just iron-on hemming tape!

Materials Needed:

- Artists Canvas (I got this as a 2-pack from Hobby Lobby for only $7.99 not on sale).  I believe it's 18x20.  I used the other one for my crayon canvas.
- Fabric large enough to cover canvas
- Ribbon or twine to hang
- Hot glue gun
- Scissors
- Optional: Jute webbing to make a pen pocket (I got this at Wal-Mart fabric section near the ribbon.  It's dirt cheap and so charming!)

I laid down my fabric with the canvas on top and cut roughly around it with pinking shears.  Allow about 2" overlap.  I then ironed my fabric and laid it back down (wrong side up) and laid my canvas face down.  I hot glued in small sections, pulling tightly as I went.  Once the fabric is glued down, I glued a ribbon on to the back. 

To make the jute pocket just cut a piece to size and hot glue it down on 3 sides.  Pretty simple.  Just hang on the wall and admire your work!

Next steps:

I got ahead of myself and I realize that I will need to stuff the back of it with some cardboard so that I'll be able to actually use push pins on the board.  As is, the board will probably not support any push pins.  I'll finish it later and hopefully post a picture of how I did it.

Frosty Window Panes

We live in a nearly zero-lot line neighborhood and have lurky-loo neighbors behind us (not to mention extreme sun in the summer and a blinding floodlight from aforementioned neighbor at night).  I had some curtains hung with a magnetic rod, but the first two year old we had visit us made short work of ripping them down.  The dogs would also slobber all over them and push them aside to look out the window.  This may end up being a temporary solution until we can afford to install internal mini-blinds but it works great for now.  It's sleek, clean, and best of all: kidproof and dogproof!

No tutorial.  I just cut pieces of vellum to fit and used spray adhesive to stick on!  I will have some trouble scraping the glue off with a razor scraper eventually, but we'll come to that when we get there.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Welcome to my outlet.  I'm going to attempt to chronicle my everyday crafts and pinterest attempts, regardless of level of fail.  Enjoy my journey!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Drive in Movie Theater!

This was the FUNNEST playgroup yet.  Credit for this idea goes to this pin that goes to a blank page, so I'm not sure really who to give the credit to!  Anyway, the idea was not mine but the kids absolutely LOVED it.

I received some awesome boxes from a friend, and we stapled on black paper plates for wheels and a white paper plate for the steering wheel.  The kids decorated with letters and stickers, and we also stapled a string to the front so they could pull their car around.  We rolled out some banner paper on the ground and they followed  the "road" to the concession stand to pick up their popcorn, juice and candy.

They watched The Polar Express and many stayed nearly an hour!  This allowed moms of 2 to relax with their younger babies while the older kiddos were preoccupied. 

So stinking cute!